
  • n. 合用,可用;可用性


1. User research must occur before ideation, usability testing following it.
用户研究一定是构思阶段之前进行的, 可用性测试一定是在构思阶段之后.

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2. Research about the usability of architectural renderings supports this notion.

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3. Designers ( or, more broadly, design decision makers ) are the primary consumers of usability study findings.
设计者 ( 或者更广泛些, 包括那些设计决策者 ) 是可用性研究结果的主要受益者.

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4. To be clear , usability testing is , at its core, a means to evaluate, not to create.
请记住, 可用性测试的核心是评估, 并非创造.

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5. As has been argued, traditionally organized libraries have reached an impasse in terms of usability.
如前所述, 按传统方式组织的图书馆的可用性已陷入绝境.

